Watch the latest video from the Evergreen Cooperatives in Cleveland Ohio to learn all about their recently-opened state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse: the worker-owned Green City Growers Cooperative.
This video provides an overview of the Evergreen model. It was developed by Fault Lines, which traveled to some of the regions hardest hit by the recession to explore some of the creative measures taken by local communities to combat the jobs crisis from the bottom up.
This video shows snippets of a May 2011 meeting convened by the Capital Institute exploring how to nurture and scale up the Evergreen Cooperatives model. Read more about Capital Institute...
In this podcast, The Story of Stuff Project features Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperatives. Sustainability activist Annie Leonard highlights cooperatives as an alternative to the “take waste system,” providing a formula for a healthy economy and an environment that empowers individuals. Talking with Evergreen Cooperative’s Medrick Addison of Evergreen Cooperative Laundry, Michael Mckenzie of Evergreen Energy Solutions, and Mary Donnell of Green City Growers, Leonard shows how the cooperatives are transforming an economically distressed neighborhood and changing lives at the same time.
This new documentary highlights the work of the Mondragon Cooperatives as well as companies across the United States, such as the Evergreen Cooperatives, which are owned and governed democratically by their employees. Airing on PBS stations across the country in the summer of 2014, the film includes interviews with the Democracy Collaborative's Ted Howard. Find out about the Washington, D.C. premiere here.
This new video highlights the Evergreen Cooperative Initiative's achievements to date, including breaking ground on Green City Growers, and the central role of worker-owners in making it happen. Read more about Evergreen Cooperatives 2012...
The Democracy Collaborative's Ted Howard was invited to give a presentation about the Evergreen Cooperatives to the Cleveland TEDxCLE conference. The topic: "Owning Your Own Job Is a Beautiful Thing."Read more about Owning Your Own Job Is A Beautiful Thing...
Fixing the Future was streamed online as a piece that aired on a PBS David Brancaccio program titled "Fixing the Future," which is no longer available on PBS, but is available for purchase on various platforms including iTunes. For more information on the documentary, please visit their site.