Harmony Neighborhood Development (formerly New Orleans Neighborhood Development Collaborative)

Focused on revitalizing the Central City neighborhood and providing high quality housing choices for all area residents, Harmony Neighborhood Development develops for-sale and rental rehabs and builds new construction homes.  One key project was Harmony Oaks Apartments, which includes 460 market-rate, mixed-income apartments.  To help residents build wealth, Harmony catalyzed Market on LaSalle, six moveable micro-retail spaces from which community members can sell their wares.  Opened in July of 2013, vendors pay $35 and, in return, get space for a day and assistance connecting to business resources.  Harmony plans to add 20 spaces to the market and create a mixed-use project incorporating successful Market on LaSalle vendors at the street-level with apartment units above.

POINT (-90.0940754 29.9360911)