Pulitzer Prize-winning author, journalist and Columbia Journalism School professor Dale Maharidge crossed the country to chronicle the lives of today's working poor, from farmworkers in southern California fighting against low wages and a devastating drought, to heroin stricken communities in northern Maine that have been abandoned by industry. His story, “American Ballad: A Photographic Chronicle of America's Working Poor,” marks the 75th anniversary of James Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. It was published in the December issue of Smithsonian Magazine...listen here
Normally you only hear people in British politics discussing the US state of Ohio during Presidential elections. But Cleveland, Ohio has been on the lips of many in recent weeks because Ted Howard the architect of the so-called Cleveland model has been in the UK. The visionary approach that he and his colleagues at the Democracy Collaborative have taken to creating local sustainable growth and jobs in Cleveland is gaining growing attention this side of the pond..read more >