California microenterprise conference nears

Posted by: 
Steve Dubb
Statewide event to take place May 28th

Two months ago, this blog profiled the upcoming Microfinance California 2009 conference, California’s first statewide conference on domestic micro-finance.  Held at the Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA, the May 28th event aims to:
• Introduce participants to the nuts and bolts of domestic microfinance
• Provide small group tours of Bay Area microfinance borrowers
• Explore the impact and future of microfinance in California
• Facilitate small group dinners with practitioners, leaders, and investors

Among the speakers added since February are keynote speaker Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf and:
Forescee Hogan-Rowles of the Community Financial Resource Center
Maria Sison of Juma Ventures
Deborah Lindholm of the Foundation for Women
Bob Annibale of Citi Microfinance
Anita Dharapuram of Creating Economic Opportunities for Women
Sarah Gordon of the Center for Financial Services Innovation, an affiliate of ShoreBank
Vikki Frank of the Credit Builders Alliance
Jaime Gutierrez of Progreso Financiero
José Quiñonez, founding director of San Francisco’s Mission Asset Fund