Employee Ownership Pays Dividends In Rural, Says Private Equity Firm

Marjorie Kelly and Jessica Rose

Marjorie Kelly and Jessica Rose writes the op-ed: Employee Ownership Pays Dividends In Rural, Says Private Equity Firm in the for the Daily YonderIn this op-ed, Marjorie Kelly and Jessica Rose highlight the work of the Democracy Collective in bringing employee ownshership to scale: 

We at The Democracy Collaborative, a nonprofit working for a more just and sustainable economy, are seeing these days that capital could have a big role to play in taking employee ownership to scale. With income inequality at record levels, employee ownership is increasingly seen as an unexpected but promising solution. As recent research by the National Center for Employee Ownership found, employee owners aged 28 to 34 enjoy 92 percent higher household net worth than non-employee owners, and earn 33 percent higher wages. Plus, they’re about one-fourth as likely to be laid off.

A key issue for the growing employee ownership movement is: who are the agents who can move this idea ahead? Most employees cannot afford to buy their own companies. Could friendly capital be the agent that helps to take employee ownership to scale?

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