Good Jobs First is hiring

Posted by: 
Steve Dubb
Advocacy group seeks research analyst

Good Jobs First is a non-profit resource center and advocacy group that promotes corporate and government accountability in economic development and smart growth for working families. The group tracks corporate accountability legislation, including job quality standards (i.e., requirements that economic development subsidies lead to higher paying jobs), disclosure rules (i.e., requirements that the amount of the subsidies that each company receives be displayed in a form that is accessible to the public), and monitoring (i.e., requirements that part of the subsidy money be returned to the government if job employment and job quality commitments are not met), as well as holding triennial conferences that link advocates across the nation. Good Jobs First is based in Washington, DC with project offices in New York and Chicago. The group is seeking to hire a Washington, DC research analyst to perform research and writing on economic development subsidies, smart growth and corporate accountability.

Applicants must have:
· a demonstrated commitment to social and economic justice
· an undergraduate college degree, preferably with course concentrations in areas such as economic development, public policy, energy policy, planning/land use, economics, business, public finance, environmental studies or journalism
· strong writing and interviewing skills
· strong analytical skills to handle diverse sources and concepts
· basic computer software skills: word processing, spreadsheets, internet

Other desirable qualifications:
· graduate degree and/or equivalent professional experience in areas such as economic development, public policy, energy policy, planning/land use, economics, business, public finance, environmental studies or journalism
· familiarity with constituency-based justice networks such as community organizing/community reinvestment, organized labor, tax and budget fairness, environmentalism or environmental justice, and/or smart growth movements
· website-design, database management or GIS software experience

Compensation is commensurate with experience and includes health care, retirement contributions, and generous vacation. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply.

Applicants are urged to review Good Jobs First website to learn more about its work. Interested applicants should send their résumés and cover letters to:

Research Analyst Search
Good Jobs First
1616 P Street NW, Suite 210
Washington, DC 20036,

Résumés may also be faxed to 202-232-6680, or e-mailed to Michelle Lee, Good Jobs First’s Communications and Development Director at: