Howard U. launches summer institute on race & wealth

Posted by: 
Steve Dubb
Applications for 4-week session due May 1st

The Howard University Center on Race and Wealth has announced that it is hosting a Summer Institute.  The 4-week program aims to provide an opportunity for students (undergraduate or graduate) who have completed a paper on a topic related to asset building, wealth accumulation and/or wealth and racial economic inequality, particularly in communities of color and low-income populations, to refine their research and convert their papers into work of publishable quality. (The paper being refined can be a senior thesis, honors paper, graduate course paper or a master’s thesis.)

Successful applicants will have an uninterrupted period in which to further explore their topic, revise their original research and rewrite their paper to scholarly journal standards. In addition, participants will benefit from the opportunity to discuss ideas with other students and the program director in a formal seminar setting, to be mentored by the master teacher and receive feedback on their research from the Center’s resident scholars. Participants will visit government agencies that collect and analyze wealth data, attend policy forums on Capitol Hill, and participate in workshops with and have access to the Center’s resident scholars as well as researchers from policy-related organizations in the Washington, DC area.

Howard University is a historically black academic institution located near the U Street area of Washington DC. The Center on Race and Wealth is housed in the Department of Economics.  Howard University has a long tradition of fostering research on issues that affect the communities in which people of color reside.  Because of its location in Washington DC, the Summer Institute offers a unique opportunity for training and networking. Additionally, the program includes visits from some of the top wealth researchers, giving participants the opportunity to discuss their work with leaders in the field.

Participants will receive support for their travel, living expenses and a small stipend.  Applications are due May 1, 2009. The Institute will take place from Monday July 6, 2009 to Wednesday, July 29, 2009.

To apply, please send a writing sample, two letters of recommendation (with one preferably from an instructor who supervised the writing project that the student hopes to extend while at the program), and a brief cover letter describing interest in the program and the work that will be done at the Institute.  Applicants should include their current contact information (address, phone numbers, email address) and summer address, cell phone number and e-mail in the application, so that the Center can easily contact those selected.  Applicants should send electronic copies of their application to the following three e-mail addresses:, AND List the subject line as “Howard Summer Institute.”

Questions about the summer program may be directed to the following individuals:
Dr. William Spriggs, Chair of the Department of Economics,
Dr. Jessica Gordon Nembhard, Center on Race and Wealth,