Rochester Institute of Technology University/Community Partnership (RIT-UCP)

Rochester Institute of Technology University/Community Partnership (RIT-UCP) aims to drive and support neighborhood revitalization while broadening and deepening the educational experience for RIT students.  To do so, RIT-UCP engages in community-based, participatory action research that supports the economic revitalization goals of Rochester's northeast neighborhood and builds on community assets.  For example, in 2013-14, RIT-UCP collaborated with a community-based partner to promote the Westside Farmers Market, a project that increased its patronage by more than 20 percent, increasing resident access to fresh, local produce.  RIT-UCP also led its third “Leadership Institute,” which engaged about 90 community leaders in a weekend-long conference designed to increase their ability take action in their neighborhoods.

POINT (-77.6109219 43.16103)