Springfield's Wellspring Collaborative featured in report on initiatives that spur economic growth in low-income areas

Laura Newberry

Laura Newberry reports from Springfield, MA to highlight a case study shown in Democracy Collaborative's report, Educate and Empower: Tools for Building Community Wealth.

The city's burgeoning network of worker-owned cooperatives, Wellspring Collaborative, is getting some street cred for its work within economically struggling Springfield communities.

The organization was one of 11 U.S. initiatives featured in the new report "Educate and Empower: Tools for Building Community Wealth" by Democracy Collaborative, a Washington-based research and policy development group.

The report heralds Wellspring co-founders and economists Emily Kawano and Frederic Rose for their work over the past two years, particularly their launch of the Wellspring Upholstery Cooperative in Dec. 2013... Read full article.