What can Cleveland co-ops teach Rochester?

David Riley

Our work in Rochester, New York is making waves to connect the cooperative movement across the U.S. as a tool to address poverty and democratize wealth. This article details some of the key lessons learned in Cleveland, OH, where the Evergreen Cooperatives have carved a path toward success. The Democracy Collaborative is now working with the Rochester City Government to develop a plan that addresses economic inequality from a systemic lens that includes cooperative development strategies:

Rochester's leaders are looking well beyond New York state's borders for ideas. And led by Mayor Lovely Warren, they've seized upon a model about 250 miles to the west, in Cleveland, Ohio. There, city leaders, philanthropists and major employers have pooled their money and efforts to launch worker cooperatives in some of Cleveland's poorest neighborhoods. At these businesses, employees can become partial owners — and when the company profits, these workers share in the rewards... Read full article.

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