Defeat of Marijuana Legalization in Ohio Says A Lot About the Kind of Economy People Are Sick and Tired Of

Jason Jaffery

A community-focused alternative would have fared better at the polls, argues Jason Jaffery, the Democracy Collaborative's Director of Philathropy. Jaffery commented on the defeat of marijuana legalization legislation in his article for Common Dreams:

Ohio’s marijuana legalization effort suffered a crushing defeat on November 3rd. In the aftermath, there is much conversation about why Ohioans opposed the measure so strongly. Some have pointed to the bad timing of an off-year election, others to lingering puritanical opposition to drug use. But the strongest and most consistent message is the strong populist resistance to legally establishing a business structure that leaves out every day people.

Leaving aside heated rhetoric about the evils of “Big Pot,” the fact is that, had Issue 3 passed, it would have established a system of elite and most likely absentee ownership, as opposed to community-based family businesses. Voters recognized the need for local, broad-based ownership as the foundation of a thriving, resilient economy... Read full article.