Green Economy


Delta Institute

Recognizing the potential for a green economy to also mean stronger, healthier communities, Delta Institute is working to develop the Great Lakes Region into a global leader in green technology, green jobs and green innovation. Read more about Delta Institute...

Green Economy

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Formed in 1980 by leading researchers in the energy efficiency field, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has grown to have programs addressing many major sectors of the U.S. economy, including national and state energy policy, buildings and equipment, utilities, industry and agriculture, and transportation. Over its long history, the organization has helped spearhead state and federal adoption of efficiency standards for more than two-dozen products and has assisted many states and utilities in designing energy efficiency programs. Read more about American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy...

American Council on Renewable Energy

The American Council on Renewable Energy aims to bring renewable energy into the mainstream of the economy through convening, research, education and communications. ACORE promotes a wide range of renewable energy technologies including solar, wind power, hydroelectric power, tidal power, geothermal, biomass and biofuels, and waste energy and fuels. Read more about American Council on Renewable Energy...

American Solar Energy Society

Founded in 1954, the American Solar Energy Society now has more than 10,000 members across the nation that work together to help create a sustainable energy economy. The association has regional chapters in 40 states and forms the U.S. section of the International Solar Energy Society. Read more about American Solar Energy Society...

American Wind Energy Association

The American Wind Energy Association is a national trade association representing wind power project developers, equipment suppliers, services providers, parts manufacturers, utilities, researchers, and others involved in the wind industry, as well as hundreds of wind energy advocates from around the world. The association provides up-to-date information on operating wind energy projects, new projects, companies working in the wind energy field, technological developments, and policy related to wind power and recyclable energy. Read more about American Wind Energy Association...

Blue Green Alliance

Launched in 2006, the Blue Green Alliance is led by the United Steelworkers and Sierra Club along with other "blue" (blue collar/labor) and "green" (environmental) partners. Read more about Blue Green Alliance...

Building Materials Reuse Association

The Building Materials Reuse Association is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to facilitate building deconstruction and the reuse/recycling of recovered building materials. Read more about Building Materials Reuse Association...

Emerald Cities Collaborative

As a consortium of diverse organizations - businesses, unions, community organizations, development intermediaries, social justice advocates, research and technical assistance providers - the Emerald Cities Collaborative is focused on reducing the carbon footprint of the nation's largest cities in a manner that encourages equal opportunity, shared wealth, and democracy.  The EEC's first project is to retrofit the nation's urban housing stock - a bold initiative that would significantly reduce the nation's carbon emissions - since in some cities housing can account for nearly 80 percent of a Read more about Emerald Cities Collaborative...

Foresight Design Initiative

Through their consultation services, business alliances, and education services, the Foresight Design Initiative has been encouraging sustainable development in Chicago, Illinois since 2003.  The Foresight Business Alliance offers a network of professional services, information, and resources for influencing sustainable development policy. Read more about Foresight Design Initiative...

Green Communities Initiative (Enterprise Community Partners)

Green Communities is a five-year, $555 million commitment by the community development intermediary Enterprise to build more than 8,500 healthy, efficient homes for low-income people and make environmentally sustainable development the mainstream in the affordable housing industry. Green Communities provides funds and expertise to enable developers to build and rehabilitate homes that are healthier, more energy efficient and better for the environment—without compromising affordability. Read more about Green Communities Initiative (Enterprise Community Partners)...

Green for All

With its West Coast headquarters in Oakland, Green For All is a national group that aims to build an inclusive green economy in a way that alleviates poverty and pollution at the same time. Read more about Green for All...

Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Waste to Wealth Program

Since 1974, the Institute for Local Self Reliance's “Waste to Wealth” program has helped to convert wastes from environmental and economic liabilities into valuable resources that contribute to community development. Areas of focus include supporting the development of sustainable biomaterials to replace fossil-fuel-based plastics, developing green industrial parks, salvaging building materials through deconstruction, and promoting zero waste planning and recycling-based economic development (in place of waste incineration projects). Read more about Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Waste to Wealth Program...

National Biodiesel Board

The National Biodiesel Board is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry in the United States. Biodiesel is a domestic, renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils like soybean oil. Read more about National Biodiesel Board...

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory began in 1977 as the Solar Energy Research Institute. It was designated a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy in September 1991 and its name changed to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at that time. Today, it serves as the principal research laboratory for the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. From 2002 to 2006 its annual budget was flat in the $200-$230 million a year range. In Fiscal-Year 2007, its budget jumped up to $378.4 million. Read more about National Renewable Energy Laboratory...

One Sky

Created in 2007, One Sky's goal is to focus the attention of millions of Americans on the single goal of extensive federal action to reverse global warming by 2010. Their solutions include five million green jobs; an immediate freeze on climate pollution levels, reduced 25% by 2020 and 50% by 2050; and no new coal plants. Read more about One Sky...

Pear Energy

Pear Energy is an intermediary that buys clean, renewable energies from small community-led wind and solar companies across the United States and sells it directly to customers through their local utility.

Renewable Fuels Association

Founded in 1981, the Renewable Fuels Association is the national trade association for the U.S. ethanol industry. It promotes policies, regulations and research and development initiatives that will lead to the increased production and use of fuel ethanol. Read more about Renewable Fuels Association...

Union of Concerned Scientists

Begun as a collaborative effort between students and faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists is now an alliance of more than 200,000 citizens and scientists. One of its primary areas of inquiry concerns policies to mitigate global warming, including the development of energy efficiency and recyclable energy. Read more about Union of Concerned Scientists...

US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy

Funded at over $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year-2008, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy provides grant support for alternative energy technology development in such areas as biomass and biofuels, solar power, wind power, advanced vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cells. Read more about US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy...

US Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a nonprofit group that certifies sustainable businesses, homes, hospitals, schools, and neighborhoods and works to expand green building practices and education. The group is perhaps best known for its nationally recognized LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building rating system. Read more about US Green Building Council...

William J. Clinton Foundation, Clinton Climate Initiative

Launched in August 2006, the Clinton Climate Initiative aims to apply a business-oriented approach to the fight against climate change in practical, measurable and significant ways. In its first phase, the program is working with the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, a group of large cities dedicated to tackling climate change, to develop and implement a range of actions that will accelerate greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Read more about William J. Clinton Foundation, Clinton Climate Initiative ...

Impact Investing

Green America

Green America (formerly Co-op America) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1982. Green America has a membership base of over 50,000 consumer activists and 2,500 responsible businesses. Green America publishes the National Green Pages, hosts the Social Investment Forum, and promotes a variety of fair trade and socially responsible investing programs. Green America is working with the Calvert Foundation (also featured on the C-W site) on a campaign to direct a percentage of social investment fund assets to CDFIs. Read more about Green America...

Green Economy

American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Formed in 1980 by leading researchers in the energy efficiency field, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy has grown to have programs addressing many major sectors of the U.S. economy, including national and state energy policy, buildings and equipment, utilities, industry and agriculture, and transportation. Over its long history, the organization has helped spearhead state and federal adoption of efficiency standards for more than two-dozen products and has assisted many states and utilities in designing energy efficiency programs. Read more about American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy...

American Council on Renewable Energy

The American Council on Renewable Energy aims to bring renewable energy into the mainstream of the economy through convening, research, education and communications. ACORE promotes a wide range of renewable energy technologies including solar, wind power, hydroelectric power, tidal power, geothermal, biomass and biofuels, and waste energy and fuels. Read more about American Council on Renewable Energy...

American Solar Energy Society

Founded in 1954, the American Solar Energy Society now has more than 10,000 members across the nation that work together to help create a sustainable energy economy. The association has regional chapters in 40 states and forms the U.S. section of the International Solar Energy Society. Read more about American Solar Energy Society...

American Wind Energy Association

The American Wind Energy Association is a national trade association representing wind power project developers, equipment suppliers, services providers, parts manufacturers, utilities, researchers, and others involved in the wind industry, as well as hundreds of wind energy advocates from around the world. The association provides up-to-date information on operating wind energy projects, new projects, companies working in the wind energy field, technological developments, and policy related to wind power and recyclable energy. Read more about American Wind Energy Association...

Blue Green Alliance

Launched in 2006, the Blue Green Alliance is led by the United Steelworkers and Sierra Club along with other "blue" (blue collar/labor) and "green" (environmental) partners. Read more about Blue Green Alliance...

Building Materials Reuse Association

The Building Materials Reuse Association is a non-profit educational organization whose mission is to facilitate building deconstruction and the reuse/recycling of recovered building materials. Read more about Building Materials Reuse Association...

Emerald Cities Collaborative

As a consortium of diverse organizations - businesses, unions, community organizations, development intermediaries, social justice advocates, research and technical assistance providers - the Emerald Cities Collaborative is focused on reducing the carbon footprint of the nation's largest cities in a manner that encourages equal opportunity, shared wealth, and democracy.  The EEC's first project is to retrofit the nation's urban housing stock - a bold initiative that would significantly reduce the nation's carbon emissions - since in some cities housing can account for nearly 80 percent of a Read more about Emerald Cities Collaborative...

Foresight Design Initiative

Through their consultation services, business alliances, and education services, the Foresight Design Initiative has been encouraging sustainable development in Chicago, Illinois since 2003.  The Foresight Business Alliance offers a network of professional services, information, and resources for influencing sustainable development policy. Read more about Foresight Design Initiative...

Green Communities Initiative (Enterprise Community Partners)

Green Communities is a five-year, $555 million commitment by the community development intermediary Enterprise to build more than 8,500 healthy, efficient homes for low-income people and make environmentally sustainable development the mainstream in the affordable housing industry. Green Communities provides funds and expertise to enable developers to build and rehabilitate homes that are healthier, more energy efficient and better for the environment—without compromising affordability. Read more about Green Communities Initiative (Enterprise Community Partners)...

Green for All

With its West Coast headquarters in Oakland, Green For All is a national group that aims to build an inclusive green economy in a way that alleviates poverty and pollution at the same time. Read more about Green for All...

Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Waste to Wealth Program

Since 1974, the Institute for Local Self Reliance's “Waste to Wealth” program has helped to convert wastes from environmental and economic liabilities into valuable resources that contribute to community development. Areas of focus include supporting the development of sustainable biomaterials to replace fossil-fuel-based plastics, developing green industrial parks, salvaging building materials through deconstruction, and promoting zero waste planning and recycling-based economic development (in place of waste incineration projects). Read more about Institute for Local Self-Reliance, Waste to Wealth Program...

National Biodiesel Board

The National Biodiesel Board is the national trade association representing the biodiesel industry in the United States. Biodiesel is a domestic, renewable fuel for diesel engines derived from natural oils like soybean oil. Read more about National Biodiesel Board...

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory began in 1977 as the Solar Energy Research Institute. It was designated a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy in September 1991 and its name changed to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory at that time. Today, it serves as the principal research laboratory for the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. From 2002 to 2006 its annual budget was flat in the $200-$230 million a year range. In Fiscal-Year 2007, its budget jumped up to $378.4 million. Read more about National Renewable Energy Laboratory...

One Sky

Created in 2007, One Sky's goal is to focus the attention of millions of Americans on the single goal of extensive federal action to reverse global warming by 2010. Their solutions include five million green jobs; an immediate freeze on climate pollution levels, reduced 25% by 2020 and 50% by 2050; and no new coal plants. Read more about One Sky...

Pear Energy

Pear Energy is an intermediary that buys clean, renewable energies from small community-led wind and solar companies across the United States and sells it directly to customers through their local utility.

Renewable Fuels Association

Founded in 1981, the Renewable Fuels Association is the national trade association for the U.S. ethanol industry. It promotes policies, regulations and research and development initiatives that will lead to the increased production and use of fuel ethanol. Read more about Renewable Fuels Association...

Union of Concerned Scientists

Begun as a collaborative effort between students and faculty members at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969, the Union of Concerned Scientists is now an alliance of more than 200,000 citizens and scientists. One of its primary areas of inquiry concerns policies to mitigate global warming, including the development of energy efficiency and recyclable energy. Read more about Union of Concerned Scientists...

US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy

Funded at over $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year-2008, the Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy provides grant support for alternative energy technology development in such areas as biomass and biofuels, solar power, wind power, advanced vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cells. Read more about US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Recyclable Energy...

US Green Building Council

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is a nonprofit group that certifies sustainable businesses, homes, hospitals, schools, and neighborhoods and works to expand green building practices and education. The group is perhaps best known for its nationally recognized LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) green building rating system. Read more about US Green Building Council...

William J. Clinton Foundation, Clinton Climate Initiative

Launched in August 2006, the Clinton Climate Initiative aims to apply a business-oriented approach to the fight against climate change in practical, measurable and significant ways. In its first phase, the program is working with the C40 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group, a group of large cities dedicated to tackling climate change, to develop and implement a range of actions that will accelerate greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Read more about William J. Clinton Foundation, Clinton Climate Initiative ...


Delta Institute

Recognizing the potential for a green economy to also mean stronger, healthier communities, Delta Institute is working to develop the Great Lakes Region into a global leader in green technology, green jobs and green innovation. Read more about Delta Institute...

Impact Investing

Green America

Green America (formerly Co-op America) is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1982. Green America has a membership base of over 50,000 consumer activists and 2,500 responsible businesses. Green America publishes the National Green Pages, hosts the Social Investment Forum, and promotes a variety of fair trade and socially responsible investing programs. Green America is working with the Calvert Foundation (also featured on the C-W site) on a campaign to direct a percentage of social investment fund assets to CDFIs. Read more about Green America...