
Time to Leave GDP Behind

Costanza, Robert, Kubiszewski, Ida, Giovannini, Enrico, Lovins, Hunter, McGlade, Jacqueline, Pickett, Kate E. , Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Kristín, Roberts, Debra, De Vogli, Roberto and Wilkinson, Richard

Robert Costanza joins other sustainable development advocates to discuss the implications of setting national policy goals based on levels of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in a recent issue of Nature. The authors argue that the use of GDP as a measure of progress fuels social and environmental instability. They outline alternative measures of progress that take into account indices such as net savings, ecological impact, life expectancy, and civic engagement to provide a more comprehensive measure of wellbeing.

The Centrality of Engagement in Higher Education

Hiram E. Fitzgerald, Karen Bruns, Steven T. Sonka, Andrew Furco and Louis Swanson
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

Growing a Cleveland Renaissance

Stephen A. Thompson
Rural Cooperatives

In the November/December edition of Rural Cooperatives magazine, the United States Department of Agriculture featured Green City Growers Cooperative, the third worker-owned enterprise established by the Evergreen Cooperatives. The article highlights how Green City Growers created twenty-five jobs while transforming eleven acres of abandoned lots into a productive urban greenhouse. The article also provides insight for how cooperatives can partner with city governments, anchor institutions, and foundations to stabilize local economies. 

Regenerative Community Progress Report

Marjorie Kelly

“I’m hopeful because of young folks like Nick Tilsen. Nick built a community center that uses spiritual and cultural teachings to help young people stay off drugs and their parents live healthier lifestyles. It’s making a difference. Today he’s building something bigger, a clean energy community that will provide affordable housing and help more Lakota small businesses get off the ground. Day by day, family by family, community by community, Nick and his nonprofit have helped inspire a new beginning for Pine Ridge.Nick says we decided as a community to take ownership of our own future. And that makes me hopeful.”

  • President Barack Obama, The White House Tribal Nations Conference, Dec. 5, 2012

The Rise of the Anchor Institution: Setting Standards for Success

Aaron Bartley
Huffington Post

 Aaron Bartley, co-founder of People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH Buffalo), describes the growing use of anchor-based economic development strategies and recommends the Collaborative’sAnchor Dashboard as a tool for universities to measure their community impact.