
Evaluating Community-University Partnerships

Kenneth M. Reardon
Communities and Banking

Community groups are finding partners in local colleges and universities to fight deindustrialization, suburbanization, and disinvestment.

Cleveland Greater University Circle Initiative

The Democracy Collaborative has entered into a partnership with the Cleveland Foundation to help develop the economic development component of the foundation's multi-pronged initiative focused on the city's Greater University Circle neighborhoods. The initiative seeks to focus the economic practices of local anchors (such as universities, hospitals and cultural institutions) to support community wealth building strategies.

Cleveland, OH: Blueprint for a Green Economy

Cleveland Foundation
Blueprint for a Green Economy

Our work with the Cleveland Foundation and Cleveland's anchor institutions to build an inclusive green economy continues, as outlined in this case study by Living Cities.

The Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund

Margaret Bernstein
The Plain dealer

The Evergreen Cooperative Development Fund has been launched in Cleveland. The nonprofit revolving loan fund will be used to catalyze a robust network of worker-owned cooperatives in the city's Greater University Circle Neighborhoods.

The Cleveland Foundation

Bob Eckardt

Bob Eckhardt, Senior Vice President for Programs and Evaluation of the Cleveland Foundation, discusses the Foundation's support of the worker-owned cooperatives.