Worker Cooperatives

Salsedo Press

Established in 1969, Salsedo Press is a worker-owned, certified minority business, union printing shop.  Salsedo provides pre-press, digital printing, and bindery services.  The business aims to be environmentally responsible relying on a petroleum-free, toxin-free, vegetable-based process.

Comrade Cycles

Opened in 2012, Comrade Cycles is a worker-owned full-service bicycle shop.  Committed to the community, the owners are actively involved in creating biking infrastructure across Chicago to benefit all riders.  The enterprise currently has seven worker-owners.

Union Taxi Cooperative

Founded in 2009 by taxi drivers frustrated by the industry’s abusive practices, Union Taxi Cooperative is a worker-owned business with about 250 driver-owners.  Committed to the environment, the co-op aims to rely exclusively on energy efficient, low emission taxis.  The co-op is the only cab company in Denver with a downloadable app, enabling customers to request, monitor, and rate rides.

Community Language Cooperative

The Community Language Cooperative (CLC) provides interpreting and translation services in any language for events, meetings, medical appointments, workshops, and interviews.  The co-op formed to empower its translators and interpreters to help others while obtaining a fair wage for their services. CLC currently has seven member owners.

Chronicling the Lives of the Working Poor Across America

The Leonard Lopate Show

Pulitzer Prize-winning author, journalist and Columbia Journalism School professor Dale Maharidge crossed the country to chronicle the lives of today's working poor, from farmworkers in southern California fighting against low wages and a devastating drought, to heroin stricken communities in northern Maine that have been abandoned by industry. His story, “American Ballad: A Photographic Chronicle of America's Working Poor,” marks the 75th anniversary of James Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men. It was published in the December issue of Smithsonian Magazine...listen here 

Working Together: A Report on the First Year of the Worker Cooperative Business Development Initiative (WCBDI)

Gregg Bishop and Lisette Camilo

This report outlines the activities and accomplishments of the ten partner organizations that participated in the first year of the WCBDI. We look forward to continuing to assist the development of worker cooperatives in New York City through the WCBDI. 

US Worker Cooperatives: A State of the Sector

Democracy at Work Institute

The Democracy at Work Institute conducted a national survey of worker cooperative firms to start to answer some basic questions and lay the groundwork for future longitudinal studies. To our knowledge, this is the first nationwide survey to solely target worker cooperatives. We used publicly available data to identify basic information about 256 worker cooperatives operating in the US in 2013 (due to lack of a central registry and recent rapid growth, this is likely an undercount). 109 of these cooperatives then submitted substantial responses to our survey questions. The data set represents a combination of these two sources. For each survey question the exact number of cooperatives with available data varies, as the response rate for each question differed. Included are some key questions addressed by their responses. 

Worker Cooperative Law Passes in the California State Assembly

The California Worker Cooperative Policy Coalition

On May 22, the California State Assembly passed AB816, a major step toward making California the twelfth state to establish a legal form speci cally for worker cooperatives. This campaign is building on the momentum of worker cooperative policy initiatives happening throughout the country—including a $1.2 million dollar funding initiative in New York City last summer—as the cooperative business form gains recognition as a powerful tool for economic revitalization. 

Worker Cooperatives in a Globalizing World

Allen White and Josu Ugarte

The Mondragon Corporation, based in the Basque Region of Spain, is a renowned worker-owned multinational cooperative enterprise founded in 1956 on the principle of “worker sovereignty.” Allen White, Senior Fellow at Tellus Institute, explores the credo, strategy, and promise of global cooperative enterprises with Josu Ugarte, former president of Mondragon International. 

Worker Cooperative Industry Research Series: Craft Beer

Tim Palmer

The craft brewing industry presents an interesting possible route to scale for worker cooperative development. The industry, incredibly, is still growing after more than two decades of upward trends. Moreover, the independent and artisan workplace culture fostered by owners and workers alike has made some rms more receptive to employee ownership. The success of Black Star Brewery and Pub Co-Op, as well as the ESOP-owned New Belgium Brewing Company provide models for replication and education. Worker cooperative developer participation in this industry has been minimal to date, though a sustained focus here could make an important impact. 

How to Build an Inclusive Economy Through Employee Ownership

Adam Wiskind
Triple Pundit

This blog post describes the initiative sponsored by The Democracy Collaborative to create 50 million employee-owners by 2050:

How Urban Governments Are Promoting Worker Co-ops

Michelle Camou, Grassroots Economic Organizing

City governments are shaping up as key actors accelerating worker co-op development. 

Equal Exchange's Innovative Use of Preferred Stock

A case study in strategies for financing the inclusive economy

Excerpted from The Democracy Collaborative report, Strategies for Financing the Inclusive Economyoriginally published September 2016. (Photo: Joe Driscoll, Creative Commons licensing) Read more about Equal Exchange's Innovative Use of Preferred Stock...

Taking Employee Ownership to Scale: Learning + Design Session

Democracy at Work Institute, The Democracy Collaborative

On June 13 and 14, 2016 in Washington, DC, many of the nation’s leading experts in employee ownership, sustainable business and finance, community and economic development, and philanthropy came together in a Learning + Design session. Co-hosts for the meeting were Marjorie Kelly and Jessica Bonanno of The Democracy Collaborative and Camille Kerr of Democracy at Work Institute. The purpose of the session was to discuss how to achieve unprecedented scale of employee ownership by focusing on achieving an audacious goal: 50 million U.S. employee-owners by 2050. This report summarizes and expands upon the June meeting:

The Cooperative Growth Ecosystem

Melissa Hoover and Hilary Abell
The Democracy At Work Institute, Project Equity

This second paper in Citi Community Development’s Building the Inclusive Economy series focuses on scaling worker cooperatives as a means to create quality jobs and wealth-building opportunities for low-income workers. Authored by Hillary Abell, Co-founder of Project Equity, and Melissa Hoover, Executive Director of the Democracy at Work Institute, the report draws from the experiences of Cincinnati, Ohio, Madison, Wisconsin, New York City, the San Francisco Bay area, and western North Carolina to develop a framework for understanding the successful components of a “cooperative growth ecosystem.” These include collaboration across sectors, diverse funding streams, and a “guiding coalition” to create a strategic vision: