Founded in 1991 to create a sustainable supply of high-quality, low-cost materials for artists, educators, and other creative people, The Scrap Exchange is a nonprofit focused on promoting creativity, environmental awareness, and community through reuse. In 2016, the nonprofit helped divert 266 tons of reusable materials from the waste stream and served 477,154 people at its Creative Reuse Center, which includes its retail store, an art gallery, classrooms, and a community garden. The Scrap Exchange is currently re-developing a 12.5 acre under-utilized shopping mall into the Reuse Arts District, a site it envisions housing new Scrap Exchange facilities and arts programs, as well as community gardens, a sculpture park, affordable housing, and other amenities.
Launched in 2001, The Forest Foundation aims to improve relationships among people and the planet. Through its GOAL initiative, the nonprofit is working to revitalize a brownfield site in Durham while creating green jobs by collecting waste vegetable oil from local restaurants, converting it into fuel for a green transportation business and members of a local bio-fuel cooperative, and using compostable matter from the collection to mitigate the site’s soil and nourish vegetable gardens. The Forest Foundation also runs a green job training program, Green Tracks, which has trained 100 community members since its start in 2012.
Greenway Transit is the first and only green transportation company in the Southeast with vehicles that run exclusively on human energy or biofuels. Aiming to help revitalize a brownfield site located within a low-income Durham community, Greenway established its headquarters at The Forest Foundation’s GOAL campus. Since its launch in 2008, Greenway has created dozens of green jobs while providing carbon-free transportation services to thousands of people on a monthly basis.
Finger Lakes ReUse aims to foster community, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability through the maximum reuse of materials. ReUse operates two ReUse Centers, at which area residents can donate and purchase household goods, furniture, building materials, refurbished computers, and home electronics. Committed to creating quality green jobs, the nonprofit also runs two free job training programs, ReSET (Skills and Employment Training), which provide hands-on learning for individuals interested in computer technology or sales and customer care, and full-time paid apprenticeship opportunities for those who complete the program.
Kate Aronoff writes for the Intercept on "Is Nationalization An Answer to Climate Change?" In this article, Aronoff cites research by the Next System Project:
Cala Skandier, of the Democracy Collaborative, writes for Truthout: "Fossil Fuels Are Next in Line for a Bailout – Here’s How We Respond." In this article, Carla Skandier writes about the quantitative easing for the planet:
That’s when the term “quantitative easing” entered the mainstream vocabulary. By pumping trillions of dollars into the economy, the Federal Reserve was able to buy assets of failing financial institutions, providing them with the parachute for a soft landing and a floor below which the economy would not fall further.
Democracy Collaborative staff, Johanna Bozuwa and Carla Skandier, write in Truthout about "Trump Is Handing Us the Weapon We Need to Avert Climate Catastrophe." In this article, Bozuwa and Skandier write about the research started about nationalization and climate change: