University & Community Partnerships

Center for Academic Excellence, Portland State University

With a motto of “Let Knowledge Serve the City,” Portland State has become a national leader in developing a model of the “engaged” urban university. More than 400 faculty and over 7,800 students a year participate in service learning courses and engage with over 1,000 community partners, as well as many of the school's other community engagement programs, including a minor program in civic leadership. Read more about Center for Academic Excellence, Portland State University...

Technology Consulting in the Community, Carnegie Mellon University

Technology Consulting in the Community is a special university-community learning partnership. Non-profit organizations, schools, and government agencies improve their technology use, management, planning, and integration by working with Carnegie Mellon students. Students develop technical consulting and management skills while collaborating on site with a leader of a local organization. Formed in 1998, to date the program has worked with hundreds of organizations through over 340 partnerships.

Nonprofit Leadership Institute, Duquesne University

The Nonprofit Leadership Institute is a resource center for nonprofit leadership. Founded in 1996 at the request of southwestern Pennsylvania's foundation community, the group is supported by Duquesne University, local foundations grants, and by registration fees from program participants. Read more about Nonprofit Leadership Institute, Duquesne University...

Institute for Social Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University

The mission of the Institute for Social Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University's John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship among individuals and organizations driven by a social mission, through education, research, and local and global partnerships. Course topics include social enterprise, micro-enterprise, and an incubator practicum where students develop business plans for social enterprise businesses. Read more about Institute for Social Innovation, Carnegie Mellon University...

Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management

The Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University aims to help build stronger, more knowledgeable nonprofits.  To do so, it provides education, consulting, coaching, and research, all focused on enhancing nonprofit management.  Since its establishment, the center has educated over 6,500 people and provided consulting services to over 1,000 clients, including human service, arts, faith-based, community development, environmental, and educational organizations with budgets ranging from $100,000 or less to more than $50,000,000.

Temple University’s Office of Community Relations

Temple University’s Office of Community Relations aims to encourage community engagement by supporting volunteerism, hosting community organizations, partnering with community groups, and providing direct services to area residents.  Services include monthly free job readiness workshops and the Pan-African Studies Community Education Program, through which residents can participate in low-cost, non-credit continuing education classes and career development programs.  Through Temple’s 20/20 Scholarships program, the university also awards 25 students living in neighborhoods surrounding its campus with renewable $5,000 scholarships per year.

Netter Center for Community Partnerships (University of Pennsylvania)

The Center for Community Partnerships is the University of Pennsylvania's primary vehicle for community-oriented, real-world problem solving. Its work involves three key efforts: 1) Academically Based Community Service, which engages students and faculty in West Philadelphia public schools, communities of faith, and community organizations to address critical campus and community problems; 2) University-Assisted Community Schools, which tap University resources to help public schools become innovative institutions that educate, engage, empower and serve students, families and community members; and 3) Anchor Institution Strategy, which aims to engage the University in a democratic, sustained partnership with the community. The Center also supports the Anchor Institutions Task Force (AITF), which serves as an advocacy and movement building organization to create and advance democratic, mutually beneficial anchor institution-community partnerships.  Formed in 2009, the AITF has grown into a network of over 700 leaders.

Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD)

Established in 1962, the University of California at Berkeley-based Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) aims to advance knowledge and practice in ways that make cities and regions economically robust, socially inclusive, and environmentally resourceful.  To do so, it conducts collaborative, interdisciplinary research and practical work focused on revealing the dynamics of communities, cities, and regions and informing public policy. Read more about Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD)...

Columbia University’s Office of School and Community Partnerships at Teachers College

Started in 2007, Columbia University’s Office of School and Community Partnerships (OSCP) at Teachers College (TC) is focused on creating networks and leveraging opportunities that best utilize the college's expertise and resources to benefit underserved youth in the city. The Office has partnerships with 32 public elementary, middle and high schools that serve students most at risk of dropping out and under-achieving, and in the last year alone, coordinated 19 programs that reached more than 15,000 students. Read more about Columbia University’s Office of School and Community Partnerships at Teachers College...

CUNY Institute for Health Equity

Drawing on its wealth of academic resources, public health expertise, strong community relations and location across the city, CUNY Institute for Health Equity was established to address the health inequities among the city's low-income residents and racial/ethnic populations. The Institute will strive to identify and respond to the social conditions that generate these disparities and provide technical support to its community partners so that they can better serve their communities. Read more about CUNY Institute for Health Equity...

Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (University of Minnesota)

University of Minnesota’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) aims to connect the resources of the University of Minnesota with the interests and needs of urban communities and the broader region.  To do so, CURA focuses on collaborating with communities and agencies to define and address their research and technical assistance needs, fostering and supporting applied research projects, disseminating research results, and convening public events to discuss key issues, explore policy alternatives, and identify new research opportunities.  It also runs several small grant programs, such as its Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative, which provides grants to artists working to foster more equitable communities in the Twin Cities.

Miami-Dade College Center for Community Involvement

The Center for Community Involvement functions as a coordinator of Miami-Dade College's service-learning academic programs. It also serves as s volunteer clearinghouse for students, staff, and faculty who wish to get involved in community service, with full-service centers and outreach programs on three campuses. Read more about Miami-Dade College Center for Community Involvement ...

Florida International University, Research Institute on Social and Economic Policy

Florida International University’s Research Institute on Social and Economic Policy aims to connect the University’s academics and research to the broader community.  Guided by a mission to improve the lives of working people and their families, the Institute focuses on three core activities:  1) Conducting non-partisan social science, law, and policy research on issues that impact low-wage, immigrant, marginalized, and middle income workers and their families; 2) Serving the research and support needs of social justice, community, and labor organizations; and 3) Building community collaboration to address issues facing working people.

University of Memphis’ Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action

CBANA partners university researchers with community based organizations to work on community building projects through a participatory research process. They’ve worked on a broad range of research projects, presentations as well as featuring Memphis specific research from the Brookings Institution. From their 2010 neighborhood profiles on eight Memphis communities to their presentation, ‘Understanding Foreclosure and Strengthening Housing Markets in Post-Subprime Environment,’ CBANA bridges research and civic engagement. Read more about University of Memphis’ Center for Community Building and Neighborhood Action...

University of Southern California (USC) Community Initiatives

In 1992, USC President Steven B. Sample started five initiatives that focused the University on improving the surrounding neighborhoods. Today, the USC invests $35 million annually to support community initiatives, which serve 40,000 area residents. Its efforts includes the USC Neighborhood Academic Initiative, an intensive college prep program that sends 100 percent of its students to college with nearly half getting full-tuition scholarships to USC; the Family of Schools program, which supports 15 neighborhood elementary, middle and high schools; and business programs credited with helping 60 small business owners obtain $61 million dollars in capital, contracts and loans.  Moreover, its local hiring initiative is credited with funneling $5 million in annual salaries back into the neighborhood.

University of Missouri – Kansas City

The University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) Office of Community and Public Affairs has more than 50 local partnerships with four main foci: economic development, education, health, and community. UMKC has been ranked 15th in the New England Board of Higher Education's "Best Neighbor" institutions for its community involvement. UMKC assists these partners through articulation agreements, service on area boards, and sponsoring community programs. The Urban Research Lab (URL) opened in 2005 on the UMKC campus to provide a lab for academic instruction and community research. Read more about University of Missouri – Kansas City...

MD Anderson Cancer Center (University of Texas)

When the Texas Legislature authorized the construction of a hospital for cancer research and treatment somewhere in the state in 1941, the MD Anderson Foundation offered to match the appropriation if the hospital would be built in Houston. Today the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas is the largest of its kind in the world with significant economic benefits for the greater Houston-area of $13.5 billion in total expenditures, $6.7 billion in gross product, $4.5 billion in earnings and more than 82,400 permanent jobs. Read more about MD Anderson Cancer Center (University of Texas)...

North Carolina Central University, Academic Community Service Learning Program

North Carolina Central University, a historical black college in Durham, has been a leader in volunteer service, service-learning, and community partnerships. In 2009-2010, NCCU students completed volunteer hours with an economic impact of nearly $4 million in the Durham area. NCCU has also supported the work of the Eagle Village Community Development Corporation (EVCDC), which works on community wealth building efforts within a 2-mile radius area surrounding the campus. Read more about North Carolina Central University, Academic Community Service Learning Program...

Wayne State University Labor Studies Center

Wayne State University's Labor Studies Center is a comprehensive labor education center committed to strengthening the capacity of organized labor to represent workers, while at the same time expanding the university's research and teaching on labor and workplace issues. The Center's work includes training local union leaders as well as researching labor-community coalitions, community benefit agreements, and regional power building strategies.  Since its establishment in 1966, the school has graduated over 4,000 union and community activists.

Institute of Detroit Studies, Marygrove College

The only institute of its kind, the Institute of Detroit Studies was founded by Marygrove College in 2001, at the time of the City of Detroit's tricentennial. The Institute builds on Marygrove College's mission to serve the people of metropolitan Detroit, on its location in the city, and on its strong relationship with different Detroit constituencies. Read more about Institute of Detroit Studies, Marygrove College...