Reclaiming the Commons

Local Food Systems

American Community Gardening Association

Focused on strengthening communities through community gardening, the American Community Gardening Association works to expand state and regional community gardening networks, develop resources and research in support of community gardening, and conduct educational programs. The Association provides numerous resources, including publications, information about funding opportunities, and useful links. Read more about American Community Gardening Association...

Reclaiming the Commons

Alliance for Community Media

Founded in 1976, the Alliance represents over 1,000 public, educational and governmental access organizations and community media centers that broadcast over cable systems throughout the United States. The group works to protect community media centers and advance policies that will aid their transition to digital communications and other advanced technologies. Read more about Alliance for Community Media...

American Library Association, Washington Office

The Washington advocacy arm of the American Library Association tackles a wide array of issues relating to creativity and knowledge. Its Office for Information Technology Policy, established in 1995, promotes the development and use of electronic access to information to enable the public to enjoy a free and open information society. Areas of interest include equity of access, copyright, e-books, E-rate, and the information commons. Read more about American Library Association, Washington Office...


Founded in 1990, Bioneers hosts an annual gathering of scientific and social innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and communities, as well as conducting programs in the conservation of biological and cultural diversity, traditional farming practices, and environmental restoration. Bioneers seeks to unite nature with culture and create economic models founded in social justice. Read more about Bioneers...

Center for Democracy and Technology

Founded in 1994, Center for Democracy and Technology is a public policy organization dedicated to promoting the democratic potential of today's open, decentralized global Internet. The group aims to develop and implement public policies to preserve and enhance free expression, privacy, and open access. CDT promotes its policy positions in the United States and globally through policy advocacy, online grassroots organizing, and litigation, as well as through the development of technology standards and online information resources. Read more about Center for Democracy and Technology...

Center for Digital Democracy

Founded by media activist Jeff Chester in 2001, the Center for Digital Democracy aims to enhance public understanding of digital media, develop media activists, encourage nonprofit participation in media, and promote the development of a new online "commons," in which the public will have access to a variety of noncommercial sources of information and service. Read more about Center for Digital Democracy...

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Founded in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is a public interest group of lawyers who seek to protect free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in cyberspace today. Initially founded to protect personal privacy in electronic media from government intrusiveness, the group has shifted focus in recent years to limit private industry's ability to control and expand revenue sources at the expense of the traditional “commons” principle of fair use. Read more about Electronic Frontier Foundation...

Foundation on Economic Trends

Established in 1977 by noted author Jeremy Rifkin, the Foundation on Economic Trends examines the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of new technologies introduced into the global economy. Over the years, the group has been a participant in many efforts to limit the patentability of life forms and preserve the common gene pool (human genome) from becoming privately owned. Read more about Foundation on Economic Trends...

Free Press

Free Press is a national nonprofit group that works to increase informed public participation in crucial media policy debates, and to generate policies that promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, and universal, affordable access to communications. Read more about Free Press...


Ioby, which means “in our backyards,” serves as an alternative to NIMBY (or “not in my backyard”). Read more about Ioby...

Knowledge Ecology International

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is a nonprofit working to improve the management of knowledge resources.  Its programs are particularly focused on achieving social justice for vulnerable populations. Read more about Knowledge Ecology International...

Land Trust Alliance

The Land Trust Alliance focuses on supporting conservation land trusts across the nation that preserve and protect open space. When the alliance was formed in 1982, there were fewer than 450 local and regional land trusts. Now there are more than 1500. Between 1998 and 2005, acreage nationwide protected by these land trusts more than doubled from 4.7 to 11.4 million acres. Read more about Land Trust Alliance...

Media Access Project

Founded three decades ago, the Media Access Project's early work implementing the FCC's fairness doctrine helped open TV networks to anti-war and civil rights activists. Today, the group works to promote common access to emerging technologies, such as broadband and low-power FM radio. Read more about Media Access Project...

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is a nationwide partnership of diverse individuals and organizations cultivating grass roots efforts to engage in policy development processes that result in food and agricultural systems and rural communities that are healthy, environmentally sound, profitable, humane and just. Read more about National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition...

Nature Conservancy

Founded in 1951, the Nature Conservancy works in all 50 states and more than 30 countries. To date, the group has protected more than 119 million acres of land and 5,000 miles of river around the world. It also operates more than 100 marine conservation projects in 21 countries and 22 US states. Read more about Nature Conservancy...

New Dream

New Dream – formerly The Center for a New American Dream — empowers individuals, communities, and organizations to transform the ways they consume to improve well-being for people and the planet. Read more about New Dream ...

Ogallala Commons

Ogallala Commons is a non-profit resource management and development network that seeks to maintain the High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer region, which stretches from South Dakota to Texas and encompasses areas in eight states, as a “watershed commonwealth” through educational and community-building programs. The organization provides leadership development, community internships, informational fairs, engagement days, and works to develop local food systems.

  Read more about Ogallala Commons...

On the Commons

On the Commons promotes activism on behalf of the commons in all its variety. Founded as a project of the Tamales Bay Institute and edited by author David Bollier, the website contains links to a number of blogs and activists groups. It also contains essays, book reviews, movement leader profiles, online archives, discussions and other resources. Read more about On the Commons...

Post Carbon Institute

The Post Carbon Institute, founded in 2003 and which now has over 100 local chapters worldwide, does research and education work on how to adapt to an energy-constrained world. The group's main strategy has been to promote Relocalization, which aims to rebuild societies based on the local production of food and energy, as well as local currency, governance and culture. The main goals of Relocalization are to increase community energy security, strengthen local economies, and dramatically improve environmental conditions and social equity. Read more about Post Carbon Institute...

Public Knowledge

Public Knowledge is an advocacy group that was founded in 2001 to build support for a vibrant information commons. In addition to its policy work, Public Knowledge runs three specific projects in collaboration with movement communities to further this work. Its Open Access Project promotes the free and unrestricted electronic distribution of peer-reviewed journal literature. Its Creator's Project aims to make copyright and technology law work for artists. And its Global Knowledge Initiative works on international intellectual property issues. Read more about Public Knowledge...

Redefining Progress

Redefining Progress works to shift the economy and public policy towards sustainability. It works in three main areas: measuring the real state of our economy (including social wellbeing) with tools like the Genuine Progress Indicator; designing policies to shift behavior towards sustainability in terms of economy, equity, and ecology; and promoting new frameworks, such as common assets, that facilitate meeting sustainable objectives. Read more about Redefining Progress...

Students for Free Culture

Founded in April 2004, today Students for Free Culture (formerly chapters exist at over 40 colleges. Inspired by the book Free Culture by Stanford Professor Lawrence Lessig, the group aims to bring together young activists from a number of related movements including free software advocates, the open source community, media activists, creative artists and writers, and civil libertarians. Read more about Students for Free Culture...

TimeBanks USA

TimeBanks USA supports and nurtures a network of Time Banks located in 50 communities across the United States, as well as lends support for the movement's further development. Time Banks are systems of voluntary labor exchange based on the concept of equal exchange of labor time. The concept, developed by Edgar Cahn in the 1980s, has proved to be a valuable tool in building social networks and social capital. Read more about TimeBanks USA...

Trust for Public Land

The Trust for Public Land is a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization that conserves land and common space for people to enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. Read more about Trust for Public Land...

Reclaiming the Commons

Alliance for Community Media

Founded in 1976, the Alliance represents over 1,000 public, educational and governmental access organizations and community media centers that broadcast over cable systems throughout the United States. The group works to protect community media centers and advance policies that will aid their transition to digital communications and other advanced technologies. Read more about Alliance for Community Media...

American Library Association, Washington Office

The Washington advocacy arm of the American Library Association tackles a wide array of issues relating to creativity and knowledge. Its Office for Information Technology Policy, established in 1995, promotes the development and use of electronic access to information to enable the public to enjoy a free and open information society. Areas of interest include equity of access, copyright, e-books, E-rate, and the information commons. Read more about American Library Association, Washington Office...


Founded in 1990, Bioneers hosts an annual gathering of scientific and social innovators who have demonstrated visionary and practical models for restoring the Earth and communities, as well as conducting programs in the conservation of biological and cultural diversity, traditional farming practices, and environmental restoration. Bioneers seeks to unite nature with culture and create economic models founded in social justice. Read more about Bioneers...

Center for Democracy and Technology

Founded in 1994, Center for Democracy and Technology is a public policy organization dedicated to promoting the democratic potential of today's open, decentralized global Internet. The group aims to develop and implement public policies to preserve and enhance free expression, privacy, and open access. CDT promotes its policy positions in the United States and globally through policy advocacy, online grassroots organizing, and litigation, as well as through the development of technology standards and online information resources. Read more about Center for Democracy and Technology...

Center for Digital Democracy

Founded by media activist Jeff Chester in 2001, the Center for Digital Democracy aims to enhance public understanding of digital media, develop media activists, encourage nonprofit participation in media, and promote the development of a new online "commons," in which the public will have access to a variety of noncommercial sources of information and service. Read more about Center for Digital Democracy...

Electronic Frontier Foundation

Founded in 1990, the Electronic Frontier Foundation is a public interest group of lawyers who seek to protect free speech, privacy, innovation, and consumer rights in cyberspace today. Initially founded to protect personal privacy in electronic media from government intrusiveness, the group has shifted focus in recent years to limit private industry's ability to control and expand revenue sources at the expense of the traditional “commons” principle of fair use. Read more about Electronic Frontier Foundation...

Foundation on Economic Trends

Established in 1977 by noted author Jeremy Rifkin, the Foundation on Economic Trends examines the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts of new technologies introduced into the global economy. Over the years, the group has been a participant in many efforts to limit the patentability of life forms and preserve the common gene pool (human genome) from becoming privately owned. Read more about Foundation on Economic Trends...

Free Press

Free Press is a national nonprofit group that works to increase informed public participation in crucial media policy debates, and to generate policies that promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, and universal, affordable access to communications. Read more about Free Press...


Ioby, which means “in our backyards,” serves as an alternative to NIMBY (or “not in my backyard”). Read more about Ioby...

Knowledge Ecology International

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) is a nonprofit working to improve the management of knowledge resources.  Its programs are particularly focused on achieving social justice for vulnerable populations. Read more about Knowledge Ecology International...

Land Trust Alliance

The Land Trust Alliance focuses on supporting conservation land trusts across the nation that preserve and protect open space. When the alliance was formed in 1982, there were fewer than 450 local and regional land trusts. Now there are more than 1500. Between 1998 and 2005, acreage nationwide protected by these land trusts more than doubled from 4.7 to 11.4 million acres. Read more about Land Trust Alliance...

Media Access Project

Founded three decades ago, the Media Access Project's early work implementing the FCC's fairness doctrine helped open TV networks to anti-war and civil rights activists. Today, the group works to promote common access to emerging technologies, such as broadband and low-power FM radio. Read more about Media Access Project...

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition is a nationwide partnership of diverse individuals and organizations cultivating grass roots efforts to engage in policy development processes that result in food and agricultural systems and rural communities that are healthy, environmentally sound, profitable, humane and just. Read more about National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition...

Nature Conservancy

Founded in 1951, the Nature Conservancy works in all 50 states and more than 30 countries. To date, the group has protected more than 119 million acres of land and 5,000 miles of river around the world. It also operates more than 100 marine conservation projects in 21 countries and 22 US states. Read more about Nature Conservancy...

New Dream

New Dream – formerly The Center for a New American Dream — empowers individuals, communities, and organizations to transform the ways they consume to improve well-being for people and the planet. Read more about New Dream ...

Ogallala Commons

Ogallala Commons is a non-profit resource management and development network that seeks to maintain the High Plains-Ogallala Aquifer region, which stretches from South Dakota to Texas and encompasses areas in eight states, as a “watershed commonwealth” through educational and community-building programs. The organization provides leadership development, community internships, informational fairs, engagement days, and works to develop local food systems.

  Read more about Ogallala Commons...

On the Commons

On the Commons promotes activism on behalf of the commons in all its variety. Founded as a project of the Tamales Bay Institute and edited by author David Bollier, the website contains links to a number of blogs and activists groups. It also contains essays, book reviews, movement leader profiles, online archives, discussions and other resources. Read more about On the Commons...

Post Carbon Institute

The Post Carbon Institute, founded in 2003 and which now has over 100 local chapters worldwide, does research and education work on how to adapt to an energy-constrained world. The group's main strategy has been to promote Relocalization, which aims to rebuild societies based on the local production of food and energy, as well as local currency, governance and culture. The main goals of Relocalization are to increase community energy security, strengthen local economies, and dramatically improve environmental conditions and social equity. Read more about Post Carbon Institute...

Public Knowledge

Public Knowledge is an advocacy group that was founded in 2001 to build support for a vibrant information commons. In addition to its policy work, Public Knowledge runs three specific projects in collaboration with movement communities to further this work. Its Open Access Project promotes the free and unrestricted electronic distribution of peer-reviewed journal literature. Its Creator's Project aims to make copyright and technology law work for artists. And its Global Knowledge Initiative works on international intellectual property issues. Read more about Public Knowledge...

Redefining Progress

Redefining Progress works to shift the economy and public policy towards sustainability. It works in three main areas: measuring the real state of our economy (including social wellbeing) with tools like the Genuine Progress Indicator; designing policies to shift behavior towards sustainability in terms of economy, equity, and ecology; and promoting new frameworks, such as common assets, that facilitate meeting sustainable objectives. Read more about Redefining Progress...

Students for Free Culture

Founded in April 2004, today Students for Free Culture (formerly chapters exist at over 40 colleges. Inspired by the book Free Culture by Stanford Professor Lawrence Lessig, the group aims to bring together young activists from a number of related movements including free software advocates, the open source community, media activists, creative artists and writers, and civil libertarians. Read more about Students for Free Culture...

TimeBanks USA

TimeBanks USA supports and nurtures a network of Time Banks located in 50 communities across the United States, as well as lends support for the movement's further development. Time Banks are systems of voluntary labor exchange based on the concept of equal exchange of labor time. The concept, developed by Edgar Cahn in the 1980s, has proved to be a valuable tool in building social networks and social capital. Read more about TimeBanks USA...

Trust for Public Land

The Trust for Public Land is a national, nonprofit, land conservation organization that conserves land and common space for people to enjoy as parks, community gardens, historic sites, rural lands, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. Read more about Trust for Public Land...

Local Food Systems

American Community Gardening Association

Focused on strengthening communities through community gardening, the American Community Gardening Association works to expand state and regional community gardening networks, develop resources and research in support of community gardening, and conduct educational programs. The Association provides numerous resources, including publications, information about funding opportunities, and useful links. Read more about American Community Gardening Association...