Preston becomes a model for the country, McDonnell declares, after following the Cleveland Model in attempts to contain local spending within the community.
Martin O'Neill and Joe Guinan interview Zitto Kabwe, a political opposition leader in Tanzania who has committed to bringing the corruption of the government to light despite the repression he faces. See Part II of the interview, as well.
Preston used the Cleveland and Mondragon models, specifically with respect to their use of anchor institutions, to successfully advance worker-ownership and community wealth building in the city.
With a new push for more radical ideas and economic restructuring, Preston, England council leader Matthew Brown has used the Cleveland and Mondragon models to inform his pursuit of local, equitable economics in Preston.
In a report with the Communications Worker Union and the Democracy Collaborative, authors Laurie Macfarlane and Christine Berry outline a comprehensive overhaul of the UK banking system that would prioritize public interest as well as go beyond expectations to address climate issues.