Transit-Oriented Development


California Department of Transportation, California Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Database

This site, maintained by the California Department of Transportation (better known as "Caltrans"), contains links to reports with detailed information on transit-oriented development in ten U.S. cities outside California as well as more than 20 transit-oriented developments (TODs) in California. The reports include land uses, site maps, implementation processes, financing, facilities, zoning, design features, pedestrian access, transit services, photos, travel benefits, contact information, and other valuable data.

Connecting the West Corridor Communities

The Center for Transit-Oriented Development working with the City and County of Denver, the City of Lakewood, the Denver Housing Authority, and Metro West Housing Solutions has produced this 2011 report on the strategy for transit-oriented development along the Denver Region's West Corridor.

Federal Transit Administration

The Federal Transit Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation administers federal funding to support a variety of locally planned, constructed, and operated public transportation systems throughout the U.S., including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, streetcars, monorail, passenger ferry boats, inclined railways, and people movers. The agency also publishes a number of studies on these topics, which are available on its website.

Mineta Transportation Institute

Founded in 1991 and housed at San Jose State University in California's Silicon Valley, the Mineta Transportation Institute engages in a wide range of research on transportation issues, with a wealth of publications available on line.

New Partners for Smart Growth

The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, organized by the Local Government Commission of Sacramento, California, has grown rapidly since it began in 2001. The 2006 conference brought together nearly 1,250 participants and over 250 speakers. Presentations from past conference speakers are available for free download from the site.


Since 1995, Rail-volution has been a leading conference that has brought together innovative minds from a variety of disciplines, including elected officials, advocates, developers, urban planners, transportation experts, financiers, citizen groups, architects and others, to discuss public transit-related issues. Presentations from the previous year's conference are available on line.

Smart Growth Network

Smart Growth Online is a web-based catalogue of Smart Growth related news, events, and information, including a broad range of resources on transit and transit-oriented development. Developed and funded through a cooperative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Sustainable Communities Network, the website is designed to advance understanding of how smart growth can improve community livability.

Transit Cooperative Research Program

This website, hosted by the American Public Transit Association, makes available over a hundred publications regarding public transit, including a 2004 national study on transit-oriented development.


Twin Cities TOD Toolkit

An initiative of Reconnecting America, this project focuses on Minneapolis-St. Paul, but has applicability to projects elsewhere. Identifying lessons learned from the Hiawatha Corridor, the first light rail line to be built in the Twin Cities region, as well as lessons from other transit projects around the country, the Twin Cities TOD Toolkit provides technical assistance and information for people interested in the ways in which transit-oriented development can help reshape growth.

Voorhees Transportation Center

Established in 1998 and housed in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University in New Jersey, the Center conducts research on transportation policy issues, with a number of publications on transit-oriented development.

California Department of Transportation, California Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Database

This site, maintained by the California Department of Transportation (better known as "Caltrans"), contains links to reports with detailed information on transit-oriented development in ten U.S. cities outside California as well as more than 20 transit-oriented developments (TODs) in California. The reports include land uses, site maps, implementation processes, financing, facilities, zoning, design features, pedestrian access, transit services, photos, travel benefits, contact information, and other valuable data.

Connecting the West Corridor Communities

The Center for Transit-Oriented Development working with the City and County of Denver, the City of Lakewood, the Denver Housing Authority, and Metro West Housing Solutions has produced this 2011 report on the strategy for transit-oriented development along the Denver Region's West Corridor.

Federal Transit Administration

The Federal Transit Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation administers federal funding to support a variety of locally planned, constructed, and operated public transportation systems throughout the U.S., including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, streetcars, monorail, passenger ferry boats, inclined railways, and people movers. The agency also publishes a number of studies on these topics, which are available on its website.

Mineta Transportation Institute

Founded in 1991 and housed at San Jose State University in California's Silicon Valley, the Mineta Transportation Institute engages in a wide range of research on transportation issues, with a wealth of publications available on line.

New Partners for Smart Growth

The New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, organized by the Local Government Commission of Sacramento, California, has grown rapidly since it began in 2001. The 2006 conference brought together nearly 1,250 participants and over 250 speakers. Presentations from past conference speakers are available for free download from the site.


Since 1995, Rail-volution has been a leading conference that has brought together innovative minds from a variety of disciplines, including elected officials, advocates, developers, urban planners, transportation experts, financiers, citizen groups, architects and others, to discuss public transit-related issues. Presentations from the previous year's conference are available on line.

Smart Growth Network

Smart Growth Online is a web-based catalogue of Smart Growth related news, events, and information, including a broad range of resources on transit and transit-oriented development. Developed and funded through a cooperative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Sustainable Communities Network, the website is designed to advance understanding of how smart growth can improve community livability.

Transit Cooperative Research Program

This website, hosted by the American Public Transit Association, makes available over a hundred publications regarding public transit, including a 2004 national study on transit-oriented development.


Twin Cities TOD Toolkit

An initiative of Reconnecting America, this project focuses on Minneapolis-St. Paul, but has applicability to projects elsewhere. Identifying lessons learned from the Hiawatha Corridor, the first light rail line to be built in the Twin Cities region, as well as lessons from other transit projects around the country, the Twin Cities TOD Toolkit provides technical assistance and information for people interested in the ways in which transit-oriented development can help reshape growth.

Voorhees Transportation Center

Established in 1998 and housed in the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University in New Jersey, the Center conducts research on transportation policy issues, with a number of publications on transit-oriented development.