Anchor Institutions


The Prevention Institute

The Prevention Institute gathers cutting-edge research, practice, and analysis on current health and safety issues with the goal of improving prevention practices throughout the US. Through connecting prevention initiatives and integrating research and practice, the Prevention Institute focuses on encouraging the prevention of major health and safety issues instead of reactive action. Site visitors can find tools to help develop strategy, collaboration, and community engagement.


Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD), DePaul University

Established in 1995, the ABCD Institute is built upon three decades of community development research by John Kretzmann and John L. McKnight. The ABCD Institute focuses its efforts in two areas: (1) through extensive and substantial interactions with community builders, and (2) by producing practical resources and tools for community builders to identify, nurture, and mobilize neighborhood assets and anchor institutions.

Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, Georgia Institute of Technology

CQGRD is an applied research center, studying solutions that communities, particularly in the Southeast United States, can implement in order to foster quality growth and development. The Center aims to bring together governmental, legal, health, engineering, architecture, environmental, policy, planning, and non-profit communities on issues related to community design, the environment, health, land development, and transportation/infrastructure, developing strategies that build on area anchor institutions.

City, Land and the University Program, Lincoln Institute

The City, Land and The University Program focuses on university real estate development from the perspective of a variety of actors including the university, the adjacent neighborhood, and the city itself. This site contains a wide variety of resources for educators, economic development practitioners, city administrators, university leaders, real estate developers, and community groups

Community Foundation Insights

A division of FSG Social Impact Advisors, CFI aims to serve as a centralized data resource for community foundations. Through its research, CFI seeks to identify best practices in the field and produce reports analyzing trends among groups of community foundations, particularly on issues related to sustainability.

Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health (

Offering an alternative to paid journals, Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health provides a free, online forum for health-related community-engaged scholarship. Including non-traditional work useful to community practitioners but often overlooked, such as training manuals, policy briefs, presentations, instructional DVDs and online curricula, maintains an editorial staff of both academic and community reviewers that peer-reviews all submissions.

Creative Class Group

Based on the work of economic development professor Richard Florida, this website contains case studies and research on the role of creativity—and cultural and educational institutions that anchor creativity—in contemporary American society.

Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive

CPANDA is the first interactive digital archive of policy data pertaining to culture and the arts in the United States. A collaboration of Princeton’s Firestone Library and the Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, the archive’s original development was unwritten by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Its mission is to provide user-friendly data access to journalists, scholars, artists, and the public at large.

Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)

The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) is a national not-for-profit organization founded in 1994 by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter to encourage inner-city revitalization. In particular, ICIC performs research that promotes a combination of public and private investment to rebuild inner city economies. ICIC has conducted a number of studies that stress the central role of anchor institutions in this effort.

Institute for Community Development and the Arts

The Institute for Community Development and the Arts, established by Americans for the Arts, provides a research in order to understand how the arts are used to address social, educational, and economic development issues in communities across the country. Areas of research and publication have included at-risk youth, artist training, economic development, arts and civic dialogue, public housing, cultural tourism, and program planning and evaluation.

Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard University

Based at the Harvard Business School and led by Professor Michael Porter, the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness examines issues related to the connection of business competition with economic development and social issues, examining the roles played business, government, anchor institutions such as universities, economic development organizations, and foundations.

National Center for Charitable Statistics

The National Center for Charitable Statistics collects national data from the private, public, and educational communities on the nonprofit sector.  Using this data, the Center is able to build inclusive national, state, and regional databases to develop across the board standards for reporting on the projects of charitable organizations. 

Penn Institute for Urban Research

The Penn Institute for Urban Research is dedicated to fostering increased understanding of cities. As a campus-wide institute, Penn IUR sponsors a number of initiatives, provides opportunities for collaborative instruction, engages with the world of practitioners and policymakers, and stimulates research on anchor institution-based and other strategies for addressing urban issues.

Sustainable Endowments Institute

The Sustainable Endowments Institute is a special project fund of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 2005, the Institute is engaged in research and education on how higher education institutions can more effectively leverage their endowments by playing a more active role in the governance of the companies in which they invest.

The Prevention Institute

The Prevention Institute gathers cutting-edge research, practice, and analysis on current health and safety issues with the goal of improving prevention practices throughout the US. Through connecting prevention initiatives and integrating research and practice, the Prevention Institute focuses on encouraging the prevention of major health and safety issues instead of reactive action. Site visitors can find tools to help develop strategy, collaboration, and community engagement.

Asset-Based Community Development Institute (ABCD), DePaul University

Established in 1995, the ABCD Institute is built upon three decades of community development research by John Kretzmann and John L. McKnight. The ABCD Institute focuses its efforts in two areas: (1) through extensive and substantial interactions with community builders, and (2) by producing practical resources and tools for community builders to identify, nurture, and mobilize neighborhood assets and anchor institutions.

Center for Quality Growth and Regional Development, Georgia Institute of Technology

CQGRD is an applied research center, studying solutions that communities, particularly in the Southeast United States, can implement in order to foster quality growth and development. The Center aims to bring together governmental, legal, health, engineering, architecture, environmental, policy, planning, and non-profit communities on issues related to community design, the environment, health, land development, and transportation/infrastructure, developing strategies that build on area anchor institutions.

City, Land and the University Program, Lincoln Institute

The City, Land and The University Program focuses on university real estate development from the perspective of a variety of actors including the university, the adjacent neighborhood, and the city itself. This site contains a wide variety of resources for educators, economic development practitioners, city administrators, university leaders, real estate developers, and community groups

Community Foundation Insights

A division of FSG Social Impact Advisors, CFI aims to serve as a centralized data resource for community foundations. Through its research, CFI seeks to identify best practices in the field and produce reports analyzing trends among groups of community foundations, particularly on issues related to sustainability.

Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health (

Offering an alternative to paid journals, Community-Engaged Scholarship for Health provides a free, online forum for health-related community-engaged scholarship. Including non-traditional work useful to community practitioners but often overlooked, such as training manuals, policy briefs, presentations, instructional DVDs and online curricula, maintains an editorial staff of both academic and community reviewers that peer-reviews all submissions.

Creative Class Group

Based on the work of economic development professor Richard Florida, this website contains case studies and research on the role of creativity—and cultural and educational institutions that anchor creativity—in contemporary American society.

Cultural Policy and the Arts National Data Archive

CPANDA is the first interactive digital archive of policy data pertaining to culture and the arts in the United States. A collaboration of Princeton’s Firestone Library and the Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, the archive’s original development was unwritten by the Pew Charitable Trusts. Its mission is to provide user-friendly data access to journalists, scholars, artists, and the public at large.

Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC)

The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City (ICIC) is a national not-for-profit organization founded in 1994 by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter to encourage inner-city revitalization. In particular, ICIC performs research that promotes a combination of public and private investment to rebuild inner city economies. ICIC has conducted a number of studies that stress the central role of anchor institutions in this effort.

Institute for Community Development and the Arts

The Institute for Community Development and the Arts, established by Americans for the Arts, provides a research in order to understand how the arts are used to address social, educational, and economic development issues in communities across the country. Areas of research and publication have included at-risk youth, artist training, economic development, arts and civic dialogue, public housing, cultural tourism, and program planning and evaluation.

Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness, Harvard University

Based at the Harvard Business School and led by Professor Michael Porter, the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness examines issues related to the connection of business competition with economic development and social issues, examining the roles played business, government, anchor institutions such as universities, economic development organizations, and foundations.

National Center for Charitable Statistics

The National Center for Charitable Statistics collects national data from the private, public, and educational communities on the nonprofit sector.  Using this data, the Center is able to build inclusive national, state, and regional databases to develop across the board standards for reporting on the projects of charitable organizations. 

Penn Institute for Urban Research

The Penn Institute for Urban Research is dedicated to fostering increased understanding of cities. As a campus-wide institute, Penn IUR sponsors a number of initiatives, provides opportunities for collaborative instruction, engages with the world of practitioners and policymakers, and stimulates research on anchor institution-based and other strategies for addressing urban issues.

Sustainable Endowments Institute

The Sustainable Endowments Institute is a special project fund of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Founded in 2005, the Institute is engaged in research and education on how higher education institutions can more effectively leverage their endowments by playing a more active role in the governance of the companies in which they invest.