Individual Wealth Building

Center for Social Development (Washington University in St. Louis)

Founded by Michael Sherraden in 1994, the Center for Social Development is widely credited with developing and popularizing the idea of Individual Development Accounts as a method for promoting greater asset accumulation by low-income individuals. The Center regularly provides a directory of state-level IDA programs and publishes research papers.

Assets and Opportunity Initiative

The national Assets & Opportunity Network works to promote the scope and influence of asset-based strategies.  Through the dissemination of information, resources, and connections, the Network serves both academics and advocates to advance asset movements and deliver asset services.  The Network focuses on local, state, and federal asset-related policy, as well as program implementation.

Asset Building Program (New America Foundation)

This website serves as a clearinghouse for news and research about Individual Development Accounts and related individual asset-building efforts.

Individual Wealth Building

Individual wealth building programs aim to increase the savings of low and moderate-income individuals. One of the pioneering efforts in this area is the Individual Development Account (IDA). Individual Development Accounts illustrate a central feature of the community wealth-building approach: namely, that to end poverty, communities—and the people in those communities—must be given the tools they need to develop their own, long-term income-generating capacity. Read more about Individual Wealth Building...

Learning to Save, Saving to Learn

Norm Leckie, Taylor Shek-Wai HUi, Jennifer Robson, Doug Tattrie and Jean-Pierre Voyer