Local Food Systems

Kansas City Community Gardens

Kansas City Community Gardens (KCCG) is a non-profit founded in 2002 to help improve the well-being of low-income households by assisting them in growing their own produce. KCCG operates two community gardens in Kansas City, including their "Freeway Garden" which can be seen from the I-70. Through their Community Partners Program, KCCG partners with other local non-profit groups that aim to provide food assistance to low-income residents and education for the youth. Read more about Kansas City Community Gardens...

Cultivate Kansas City

Cultivate Kansas City, formerly known as Kansas City Center for Urban Agriculture, is a non-profit founded in 2005. They help Kansas City residents grow and eat good food in their city by teaching residents how to grow their own food, making available produce from Cultivate's own farms, and educating Kansas City about real food, good health, and vibrant communities. Read more about Cultivate Kansas City...

The Last Organic Outpost

Striving to create a sense of community, the Last Organic Outpost is an inner city urban farm project that uses regenerative agriculture to restore unused vacant lots. Beginning as an idea by Joe Nelson, six years and $17,000 later, the Outpost had expanded from a simple backyard garden to a teaching nonprofit on several adjacent abandoned lots that had been used for dumping. In 2009, Mayor Bill White asked the city to turn off another adjacent lot after seeing the success of a project that is striving to serve as an anchor for an urban farm belt across the city. Read more about The Last Organic Outpost...

The Alliance Community Garden Project

As a program for the Alliance for Multicultural Community Services, the Alliance Community Garden Project began in October 2010 with the goal of training refugees in farming methods applicable in their new community. To date, 27 refugee growers from Bhutan have registered with the program; and in addition to farming training, they receive English classes from the Alliance. Read more about The Alliance Community Garden Project...

South Eastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Spaces (SEEDS), Inc.

Founded in 1994, South Eastern Efforts Developing Sustainable Spaces (SEEDS) nurtures youths’ capacity to respect life, the earth, and each other through growing, cooking, and sharing.  To do so, the nonprofit has a two-acre urban garden and kitchen classroom from which it operates a range of youth-focused programs including a summer camp and a free after-school farm club.  The nonprofit also helped launch the Durham Farmers Market in 1998, a venue from which it sells produce.

Frijolito Farm

Frijolito Farm is a backyard farm with multiple locations in northeast Columbus that raises chickens and grows vegetables in a traditional natural practice. All produce are sold in person locally at farmers’ markets around the Columbus area. Read more about Frijolito Farm...

Four Seasons City Farm

Four Seasons City Farm is a non-profit focused on the production of food and community-building projects around eastside Columbus founded in 2004. By converting abandoned lots into gardens, City Farm sells its produce at local farmers’ markets, grocers and restaurants. City Farm’s urban garden program is funded by these proceeds, with a total count of 14 community gardens in Columbus as of 2007. Read more about Four Seasons City Farm...

East Meets West Community Garden

The East Meets West Community Garden was founded in 2008 with a 2500-square-foot plot. This community garden focuses on the growth of food that is divided among the participants and a local food pantry. In 2010, the garden was one of thirteen community produce gardens to receive a grant from the Recreation and Park Committee of Columbus. Read more about East Meets West Community Garden...

Urban Agriculture Notes

Maintained by City Farmer, a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline, Urban Agriculture Notes is an online resource of 14 years (1994-2008) of urban agriculture information.  In 2008, City Farmer created a new website to feature new postings and links.

SPIN Farming

Standing for S-mall P-lot IN-tensive, SPIN farming is advertised as a non-technical, easy-to-learn and inexpensive-to-implement vegetable farming system that allows an individual to grow more than $50,000 worth of produce per half acre. The system was created by Wally Satzewich and Gail Vandersteen, who themselves manage Wallys Urban Market Garden, a multi-locational sub-acre urban farm in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

RUAF Foundation (Resource Centres on Urban Agriculture and Food Security)

The RUAF Foundation is an international network of seven regional centers and one global resource center on Urban Agriculture and Food Security.  Focusing more heavily on urban agriculture in developing countries, the foundation publishes the Urban Agriculture Magazine and other papers, books and policy briefs about urban agriculture developments. 

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service lists news, events and funding opportunities and provides comprehensive publications and reports regarding sustainable agriculture and organic farming.  The site contains a section specifically dedicated to urban and community agriculture, providing resource links and downloadable reports.

The Lunch Box

The Lunch Box is an online toolkit with Healthy Tools For All Schools, designed to transform school food into healthy and delicious food for all children. The site offers recipes and other best practices from school districts across the country.

King County Extension: Gardening (Washington State University)

The King County's Extension gardening resource page provides research-based information on sustainable gardening practices. Fact sheets include information on soil testing, compositing, raised beds and other insights that could assist community gardens.

City Farmer News

City Farmer News is City Farmer's - a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline - new website.  Started in 2008, City Farmer News is a continuation of Urban Agriculture Notes, providing a comprehensive online resource for the urban agricultural community.

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)

An initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Alternative Farming Information Systems Information Center includes a range of resources focused on sustainable food systems and practices.  Many resources are also focused on urban agriculture.


Local Food Systems

A local food system is a collaborative network that integrates sustainable food production, processing, distribution, consumption, and waste management in order to enhance the environmental, economic, and social health of a particular area. Increasingly, communities are organizing “food hubs” around co-ops or other community wealth building enterprises to anchor local food systems. Read more about Local Food Systems...