is an information clearinghouse draws awareness to inequitable access to healthy foods in communities across the country and provides tools to launch and expand healthy food access retail projects in low-income communities. It offers resources on policy efforts, news, and strategy to help improve access for consumers and communities. The Healthy Food Access website is a collaborative effort of PolicyLink, The Food Trust, and The Reinvestment Fund, and was launched with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
An initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Alternative Farming Information Systems Information Center includes a range of resources focused on sustainable food systems and practices. Many resources are also focused on urban agriculture.
City Farmer News is City Farmer's - a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline - new website. Started in 2008, City Farmer News is a continuation of Urban Agriculture Notes, providing a comprehensive online resource for the urban agricultural community.
The King County's Extension gardening resource page provides research-based information on sustainable gardening practices. Fact sheets include information on soil testing, compositing, raised beds and other insights that could assist community gardens.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service lists news, events and funding opportunities and provides comprehensive publications and reports regarding sustainable agriculture and organic farming. The site contains a section specifically dedicated to urban and community agriculture, providing resource links and downloadable reports.
The RUAF Foundation is an international network of seven regional centers and one global resource center on Urban Agriculture and Food Security. Focusing more heavily on urban agriculture in developing countries, the foundation publishes the Urban Agriculture Magazine and other papers, books and policy briefs about urban agriculture developments.
Standing for S-mall P-lot IN-tensive, SPIN farming is advertised as a non-technical, easy-to-learn and inexpensive-to-implement vegetable farming system that allows an individual to grow more than $50,000 worth of produce per half acre. The system was created by Wally Satzewich and Gail Vandersteen, who themselves manage Wallys Urban Market Garden, a multi-locational sub-acre urban farm in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The Lunch Box is an online toolkit with Healthy Tools For All Schools, designed to transform school food into healthy and delicious food for all children. The site offers recipes and other best practices from school districts across the country.
UC Davis’ Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)’s website includes a wealth of materials focused on local food systems including a downloadable bibliography of over 2,000 articles and the results of several food system assessments, which examine the connections between and impact of food production, distribution, consumption and waste disposal.
Maintained by City Farmer, a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline, Urban Agriculture Notes is an online resource of 14 years (1994-2008) of urban agriculture information. In 2008, City Farmer created a new website to feature new postings and links. is an information clearinghouse draws awareness to inequitable access to healthy foods in communities across the country and provides tools to launch and expand healthy food access retail projects in low-income communities. It offers resources on policy efforts, news, and strategy to help improve access for consumers and communities. The Healthy Food Access website is a collaborative effort of PolicyLink, The Food Trust, and The Reinvestment Fund, and was launched with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
An initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Alternative Farming Information Systems Information Center includes a range of resources focused on sustainable food systems and practices. Many resources are also focused on urban agriculture.
City Farmer News is City Farmer's - a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline - new website. Started in 2008, City Farmer News is a continuation of Urban Agriculture Notes, providing a comprehensive online resource for the urban agricultural community.
The King County's Extension gardening resource page provides research-based information on sustainable gardening practices. Fact sheets include information on soil testing, compositing, raised beds and other insights that could assist community gardens.
The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service lists news, events and funding opportunities and provides comprehensive publications and reports regarding sustainable agriculture and organic farming. The site contains a section specifically dedicated to urban and community agriculture, providing resource links and downloadable reports.
The RUAF Foundation is an international network of seven regional centers and one global resource center on Urban Agriculture and Food Security. Focusing more heavily on urban agriculture in developing countries, the foundation publishes the Urban Agriculture Magazine and other papers, books and policy briefs about urban agriculture developments.
Standing for S-mall P-lot IN-tensive, SPIN farming is advertised as a non-technical, easy-to-learn and inexpensive-to-implement vegetable farming system that allows an individual to grow more than $50,000 worth of produce per half acre. The system was created by Wally Satzewich and Gail Vandersteen, who themselves manage Wallys Urban Market Garden, a multi-locational sub-acre urban farm in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The Lunch Box is an online toolkit with Healthy Tools For All Schools, designed to transform school food into healthy and delicious food for all children. The site offers recipes and other best practices from school districts across the country.
UC Davis’ Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)’s website includes a wealth of materials focused on local food systems including a downloadable bibliography of over 2,000 articles and the results of several food system assessments, which examine the connections between and impact of food production, distribution, consumption and waste disposal.
Maintained by City Farmer, a Vancouver-based nonprofit that runs the city's compost and waterwise demonstration garden, the city's natural yard care promotion and the regional compost hotline, Urban Agriculture Notes is an online resource of 14 years (1994-2008) of urban agriculture information. In 2008, City Farmer created a new website to feature new postings and links.